About Me

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Fullerton, CA
In the midst of being a stressed college student and dealing with family loss and drama, my health has spiraled out of control and I have decided I want change. I want to lose weight. Not with a lap band, not with some crazy celebrity weight loss pill but to do it right. I want to get my body in check before I don't have a choice anymore. Change is good. Change is necessary. I'm ready for this! Here's to new, healthy beginnings.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

He knows I'm not going to look at him, right?

It's all about working out hard. Deep breaths in, sweat pouring out and then I notice that there are two older men on both sides of me. Which is fine, until out of the corner of my eye I see them staring.

Staring. At me? Then I take into consideration that it could be my enormous rack making their jumping debut. Maybe it's the endorphins or the little chemical thing that happens when a woman is sweating that attracts men like this at the gym, but right about now...I am a little creeped out.

Then I notice that they start breathing harder, and it seems they're trying to keep up with me... maybe that's why they're staring? No, it has to be the tits bouncing. And then all of a sudden I start getting a hint of tuna, no... pickles... garliced pickles in the air. GROSS! He's breathing harder and has rank-ass breath. And it is traveling over here, in my bubble of perfect working out bliss. I'm almost considering moving to a different machine. But I'm on a roll, I'll just deal and try to not have a funny face from the stench.

It goes on another 20 minutes, I continue busting my ass and see one of them get off their machine looking irritated. He didn't really expect me to have a conversation with him, right? Do men really try to hit on women at the gym? I thought that was just a myth. Guess not.

Go get a toothbrush, and floss, and mouthwash..... And maybe some gum. Fricken dirty old men.

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